Comments on: Ethical Research Practices and Emerging Pedagogy The Humanities and Technology Camp Mon, 09 May 2011 23:57:27 +0000 hourly 1 By: laynecraig Fri, 15 Apr 2011 01:06:26 +0000 You describe these questions as “out there,” but they’re fundamental to how we structure our thinking about technology and access in scholarship and teaching. I would be very interested in this panel–it seems like DH is at a point in its institutionalization where a discussion of these questions would be very productive.

By: caleb.mcdaniel Tue, 12 Apr 2011 03:29:30 +0000 I think the ethics question is also related to questions about open access. One of the reasons why I think it would be good to develop open standards for citing keyword searches is that not all scholars reading a particular article will necessarily have access to a proprietary database, which means not everyone would be able to run a search like this one to get a sense of the coverage of a particular corpus.
